Open a Bicycle Shop: Tips for Success

What are the requirements?

To open any business in our country it is necessary to have, by law, some moral requirements: you must not have been declared banned or previously failed.

Otherwise you will not get the right to proceed with the opening of your business. Furthermore, before opening you will need to find a place that is suitable for opening a bicycle shop, and therefore also has space for a workshop.

The premises must also meet the requirements, which are mandatory by law, on the safety and hygiene of the environments.

If the chosen venue does not prove suitable, you will not be given permission to open the business by the municipality. To be able to get the mandatory requirements to open you could start work on your premises to bring it into compliance.

Given that in general for this type of work it is necessary to invest some money, I advise you to checked very carefully the requirements of the premises before buying or renting it and to add to the expense that you think you will also support the eventual work to bring the room up to standard .

Below you will also find the other mandatory requirements for opening a business, including a bicycle shop:

  • the opening of a VAT number is a necessary step, without VAT number you will not be allowed to open the shop;
  • registration in the Business Register is mandatory for starting your own business
  • obtain all the mandatory permits required by law to open an activity, such as enrolling in INPS and INAIL and the ASL certificate that verifies compliance with hygiene standards (the document is requested from the ASL by filling in a form, a once forwarded to the ASL you will be sent a check of the room);
  • obtain permission from the municipality to open by declaring the start of activity (declaring yourself filling in the specific form);
  • pay SIAE in the event that music (including radio) is provided in your club;
  • get the permit for the display of the sign (and pay the tax for the encumbrance).

If you dream of opening a business that succeeds in being successful there are also other requirements to be taken into account: I am not talking about requirements that must be met by law, but of really useful qualities for a merchant.

be they classic, racing or electric. The retailer must always be very prepared to transmit tranquility to the customer and to demonstrate his competence and reliability.